Ancestral Healing Summit

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Join Eileen McKusick and many others for the 2023 Ancestral Healing Summit!

During this groundbreaking 5-day event, you’ll discover:

  • Practices to transmute stuck ancestral energies, so you can access your soul’s true purpose stored in the Akashic Records
  • Connecting with ancestors through your writing practice aids you in discovering mysteries in your family’s past, so you can help heal unresolved issues
  • How the legacy of African American enslavement still affects us all today — and ways to use genealogy as a tool for healing the historical harm of slavery
  • Principles of family systems constellation — and parallels in other wisdom traditions that may help you resolve transgenerational barriers to joy
  • The 4 main areas of ancestral magical inheritance — family, personal, elemental, and celestial — and how to tap into each one
  • Immersive prayer, chanting, and rituals of ancestor reverence that shift you from surviving to thriving, so you can build relationships with loving and wise lineage ancestors as a source of blessing, support, and healing
  • Ancestors in Training, an educational project and lived experience that centers on sacred traditions, new technologies, intergenerational healing, and grief workAnd much more…

For more information, and to reserve your spot, click HERE!

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