Tools for Electric Health
With her scientific and curious mind Eileen evaluated the many different properties of tuning forks to invent a line of weighted and un-weighted forks as well as accessories for Biofield Tuning. Continuing her research into the power of sound to improve people’s electric health, Eileen invented the much loved Sonic Slider, and the uniquely effective Fibonacci Pair which when paired with the patent-pending Circuit Boot introduces everyone to the positive effects of sound therapy.
The Sonic Slider Tuning Fork

The Sonic Slider Tuning Fork
The Sonic Slider is a custom-made weighted tuning fork that harnesses the power of therapeutic sound to help you look and feel younger and healthier.
The special frequency of the Sonic Slider is 93.96 Hz. This number is the 12th harmonic of the Schumann Resonance- the electromagnetic resonance of our atmosphere – which is (on average) 7.83 Hz. 7.83 x 12 = 93.96 Hz.
Users report a wide range of benefits including more energy, greater well-being, weight loss, increased muscle definition, smoother skin, reduced pain, improved circulation, improved digestion and more.
This purchase comes with an instruction booklet on how to use the Sonic Slider on your face and three online videos to show you how to use it on your body.
No batteries, chemicals or subscriptions required – just an easy-to-use tuning fork with a frequency that can produce noticeable changes quickly.
Click here to read more about this useful and versatile tool and see some before and after pics
We suggest the use of the Striker Block for easy activation.
We recommend using the Sonic Slider for a minimum of 5 minutes twice a day. The more you use it, the greater the results.
Best results are obtained when used every day. Get in the habit by also purchasing Eileen’s 21 Day Sonic Slider Video Series.
See the frequency of the Sonic Slider made visible through a cymascope.
Watch a video on how to use the Sonic Slider on friends, family and colleagues (you receive instructional videos on how to use it on yourself with purchase)
Makes a great gift!
Please note: if you have loose teeth or other dental issues, be careful using this around your mouth. We also do not recommend this product for people with metal allergies and/or metal hypersensitivity.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Tuning Fork
Circuit Boot

Tuning Fork Circuit Boot
Adding a new dimension of usability and effectiveness to working with sound therapy, the Circuit Boot is a one of a kind tuning fork accessory. It easily attaches to almost any weighted tuning fork, fastening securely with a small inset screw to the base of the handle. (2 screws and Allen wrench included)
This unique, patent-pending design delivers a focused circuit of sound waves by trapping the vibration between small divots on the face of the boot and the surface of the skin. With a defined edge, this accessory provides targeted mechanical stimulation with no artificial electromagnetic fields and makes an excellent aid in working out knots in muscles. The flat 1.25” face of the boot provides a large surface area to improve lymph flow due to bound fascia with a broad delivery of vibration.
Research suggests that, with regular use, this accessory greatly enhances the effectiveness of most weighted tuning forks. Paired with the Sonic Slider, we’ve seen an increase in improved muscle tone, immediate pain relief and accelerated recovery from exercise.
This stainless steel boot is an unbeatable addition for applying sonic stimulation directly to the body. (weighted tuning fork not included)
Watch a short video about it here
and read a blog post about it here
Fibonacci Pair Tuning Forks

The Sonic Slider Tuning Fork
Our bodies are electrical waves informed by geometry. With our other pair of weighted 62.64 Hz and 54.81 Hz forks, we induce the 7.83 Hz Schumann Resonance into the body’s electrical system through binaural beats. (The Schumann Resonance is the natural background pulse of the earth’s electrical signal.)
The Fibonacci Pair of weighted forks, on the other hand, are the 11th and 12th positions in the Fibonacci sequence, 89 Hz and 144 Hz. These forks use the natural harmonics and patterns found in the unfolding of nature and induce the body with this geometric information, in perfect proportion. This perfect proportion, otherwise known as “the golden ratio” or “Phi” is roughly 1.618 and can be determined by dividing any number in the sequence by the number before it.
Researchers claim that the golden ratio keeps everything in order and is a universal and cosmic constant found in the shape of seed heads, flower petals, pine cones, hurricanes, shells, spiral galaxies, faces, DNA molecules and many more.
Users describe these tuning forks as “bright and uplifting”, and putting a “order into place”. They come with extra long handles for easy use.
Each fork is also sold separately. Click here to read a blog post about the Fibonacci Pair.
These forks are not included in either of our toolkits and are not required for Biofield Tuning students.
Author of Tuning the Human Biofield and Electric Body, Electric Health Eileen Day McKusick is an expert in the emerging field of electric health and has taught thousands how to transform effortlessly through learning to “think electrically.” By illuminating the biological nature of our electrical bodies, McKusick empowers readers to clear the static, noise, and resistance from this system and experience greater energy, clarity, and order.
Tuning the Human Biofield
Healing with Vibrational Sound Therapy

Tuning the Human Biofield: Healing with Vibrational Sound Therapy
2015 Nautilus Silver Award Winner
2018 COVR Gold Award Winner: Iconic Book
Best-seller on Amazon
This book, based on an Academic Excellence Award Winning Masters Thesis, explains the complete practice of the ground breaking sound modality Biofield Tuning, previously called Sound Balancing. Eileen McKusick, founder of Biofield Tuning, explains and reveals the precise locations where specific emotions, memories, ailments, and traumas are stored within the area of subtle energy which surrounds the body, otherwise known as the biofield.
She discovered that, by providing coherent frequency to these areas of the body, the distorted vibrational sounds she was hearing not only corrected, but also imparted consistent, predictable, and sometimes immediate relief from pain, anxiety, insomnia, migraines, depression, fibromyalgia, digestive disorders and a host of other complaints.
This book details how tuning forks can identify and clear pain & trauma stored in the biofield and how traditional principles and locations of the chakras correspond directly with the biofield discoveries.
McKusick examines scientific research on the nature of sound and energy and explains how experiences of trauma produce “pathological oscillations” in the biofield, causing a breakdown of order, structure, and function in the body.
Offering a revolutionary perspective on mind, energy, memory, and trauma, McKusick’s discoveries provide new avenues of healing for energy workers, massage therapists, sound healers, and those looking to overcome chronic illness and release the traumas of their past.
Electric Body, Electric Health
Rewire, Recharge, & Raise Your Voltage

Electric Body, Electric Health
Tap into the extraordinary power of electricity to heal your body and empower your life.
Everything is electric. This seemingly simple observation has transformational repercussions on the way we think about and approach physical, mental, and emotional health. Electric Body, Electric Health is a manifesto for personal empowerment based on an electrical view of life.
Author of Tuning the Human Biofield, Eileen Day McKusick is an expert in the emerging field of electric health and has taught thousands how to transform effortlessly through learning to “think electrically.” By illuminating the biological nature of our electrical bodies, McKusick empowers readers to clear the static, noise, and resistance from this system and experience greater energy, clarity, and order.
Electric Body, Electric Health makes use of simple, easy-to-implement practices such as:
- Awareness practices
- Perspective shifts
- Breathing practices
- Simple lifestyle changes
- Improved emotional management
- and more…
in order to help readers improve their health and enhance their daily lives. It will give you the tools to transform your relationship with your body, your mind, your emotions, and the electrical world around you.
Instructional Videos
Instructional Videos help students and interested parties learn how to practice Biofield Tuning or learn more about the theories on which it is based.
Using Tuning Forks on Yourself

Using Tuning Forks on Yourself
In this 10 min instructional video, founder of Biofield Tuning, Eileen Day McKusick, provides tips & techniques to use tuning forks on your own body and biofield. (Please note that this video content is an excerpt from the full Instructional Video offered through our webstore)
Eileen will demonstrate the following methods to work effectively on yourself:
- Listening Deeply
- Combing and Columning
- Distance Tuning on Yourself – (full instructions for distance sessions, which are an advanced technique, can be learned either through the Instructional Video Series or by participating in Biofield Tuning Training.)
This video can be viewed via Vimeo streaming only and is not downloadable. Immediately after purchase, you will receive a confirmation email containing a link to stream the video. Your video will also be stored in your Customer Account Digital Library.
- Create/Sign into your customer account
- Click the [MY DIGITAL LIBRARY] button
- View your Instructional Video
Important: Learning the information provided in this video DOES NOT qualify you as a Certified Biofield Tuning Practitioner, and thus does not allow you to claim you practice Biofield Tuning professionally and charge for it. Hands-on instruction is extremely important in order to become a Certified Biofield Tuning Practitioner.
Raise Your Voltage
Instructional Video

Raise Your Voltage Instructional Video
Through this empowering four-hour, four-part video, Eileen Day McKusick, a pioneering researcher and international thought leader in the frontier fields of Biofield Science and therapeutic sound, explains the Human Biofield and the Electric Universe.
Raising Your Voltage will help you understand your body’s electromagnetic system to increase energy, feel healthier and overcome physical, mental and emotional limitations.
This purchase will allow you to watch this video/s any time you wish via your internet connection and Vimeo live streaming. Purchase will not allow you to download video/s.
Recorded Audio Sessions
Recorded Biofield Tuning Audio Sessions are a convenient and affordable way to experience the relaxing and healing benefits of Biofield Tuning. Many participants tell us they find recorded audio sessions as effective as Live Sessions.
FREE | 144 Electrical Strand Activation

FREE | 144 Electrical Strand Activation
In this 30 minute Biofield Tuning group audio session, hosted by Eileen McKusick, Eileen will discuss each of the following points in detail while conducting the collective activation:
The essence of this adjustment:
- The outer edge of the human biofield consists of 12 electric bands
- These 12 bands are comprised of 12 strands each
- Anything that runs along the outer boundary of a toroid also runs through the center
- We have 144 strands of electric potential running through us and around us that we can illuminate and amplify
- Using the Fibonacci Pair (89Hz and 144Hz) at either end of our central channel activates this awareness and flow
- Running conscious awareness of this potential, enables us to ground more Source energy and reflect that into our local and nonlocal environments
- Increasing the light and power in our system helps us to better manage difficult emotions and stressful circumstances
Audio Sessions are also available for download.
FREE | Overcoming Overwhelm

FREE | Overcoming Overwhelm
It can be easy to feel overwhelmed through times of uncertainty. This is a feeling that has crept into the lives of so many of us amidst volatile times and it can have a tendency to cripple us or cause us to unravel. It is essential for us to overcome this feeling, regroup and reenergize.
In this one hour recorded Biofield Tuning session conducted by Eileen McKusick, you are taken on a journey to connect with deeper, stronger, lighter parts of yourself. By having a different awareness of these inner resources, we can draw energy from this space within and become more resilient, adaptive and become better equipped for navigating through challenges.
[ Gain access immediately after purchase by signing into your customer account and then selecting “MY DIGITAL FILES.” ]Audio Sessions are also available for download.
FREE | Increasing Prosperity & Abundance

FREE | Increasing Prosperity & Abundance
This is the first part of a three-part series focused on Increasing Prosperity & Abundance. Each part contains three one-hour sessions. Part One is offered here for free, Part Two and Three are offered for sale here.
This series is not about helping you to become rich quick, but rather to awaken your own expansiveness and profusion, and the absolute and riotous abundance of nature and the universe itself.
When we open to this awareness, we notice that abundance naturally starts to flow our way. Participants have reported better interpersonal relationships, more clients, surprise gifts of money and other things, new opportunities, & a greater appreciation of life – themselves and of others in general.
[ Gain access immediately after purchase by signing into your customer account and then selecting “MY DIGITAL FILES.” ]Audio Sessions are also available for download.
Autoimmune Disorders & Pituitary Gland

Autoimmune Disorders & Pituitary Gland
Autoimmunity is the system of immune responses of an organism against its own healthy cells and tissues. Any disease that results from such an aberrant immune response is termed an “autoimmune disease” Wikipedia
Examples of autoimmune diseases include systemic lupus erythematosus, Sjogren syndrome, Hashimoto thyroiditis, rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile (type 1) diabetes, polymyositis, scleroderma, Addison disease, vitiligo, pernicious anemia, glomerulonephritis, and pulmonary fibrosis. –Medicine Net
From a Biofield Tuning perspective, Autoimmunity issues are often the sign of a personality divided within itself, some aspect of self judging and criticizing another aspect of self. I have seen how people with strong inner perfectionism tend to create these conditions in themselves.
The answer is, as with everything, self love, self peace, self acceptance & self harmony. The outer division we see in the world is a reflection of our own inner division. We have been divided and conquered within and without. The solution is discovering and achieving inner unity.
In this session we will explore the roadblocks and programs between us and our own inner unity, and seek to turn those into stepping stones towards greater wholeness, health and empowerment.
We recommend this session for everyone, even those who are not currently experiencing Autoimmune Disorders. The focus of this session ended up being on the pituitary gland, and the role that plays in our health and well being. This is one of Eileen’s favorite sessions.
[ Gain access immediately after purchase by signing into your customer account and then selecting “MY DIGITAL FILES.” ]Audio Sessions are also available for download.
Releasing the Psoas

Releasing the Psoas Muscle (Hips / Low Back)
The psoas muscles connect the lumbar spine through the pelvis to the top of the femur. When we are under stress, these become shortened and tighter, which can result in low back pain, sacro-iliac pain, sciatica, constricted vital organs and inhibited breathing through its symbiotic connection with the diaphragm.
The psoas and the diaphragm are so reliant on one another, that when one is constricted, so is the other. As a result of prolonged periods of stress, the psoas is constantly contracted and consequently diminishes the body’s ability to effectively release tension. Relaxing the psoas allows the diaphragm to function properly, improving our ability to breathe deeply. This not only impacts every system in our body, it also improves our mental and emotional state.
This series of three, 1 hour Biofield Tuning group audio sessions, conducted by Eileen McKusick, will work to release tension in the psoas muscles – allowing the body to relax and reoxygenate. Through these sessions, we will explore the different emotions, fears, experiences and beliefs that are keeping tension locked in this area of our anatomy.
Many participants have reported very deep and tangible effects of relaxing and releasing their psoas with this series.
[ Gain access immediately after purchase by signing into your customer account and then selecting “MY DIGITAL FILES.” ]Audio Sessions are also available for download.
Adrenal Rhythm Reset

Adrenal Rhythm Reset
This series of three one-hour sessions provide a comprehensive adrenal support/rhythm reset. If you are chronically exhausted, running on empty, have a short fuse and/or you have trouble sleeping it is likely that your adrenal rhythm has become stuck running in overdrive. A Biofield Tuning adrenal reset helps regulate your adrenal glands so that they function at a healthy pace. Modern living can cause them to get stuck in the “on” position (like a toilet that runs), leading to a whole variety of symptoms, including low thyroid and impaired digestion.
NOTE: Sometimes the process of resetting the adrenals can lead to 1-3 days of feeling very exhausted.
[ Gain access immediately after purchase by signing into your customer account and then selecting “MY DIGITAL FILES.” ]Audio Sessions are also available for download.
Centering & Grounding

Centering & Grounding
These two one-hour sessions focus on centering and grounding ourselves. So often, it is not stress itself that defeats us, but how we respond to it. If we can become centered and grounded in the midst of adversity, we are more resilient.
Yes, life is hard & stressful – it can even be crazy and heartbreaking. But life is also magical, delightful, mysterious & amazing. When we are centered and grounded we can take the good with the bad, we can roll along the rollercoaster of life, processing the stress while remaining open for what is good.
[ Gain access immediately after purchase by signing into your customer account and then selecting “MY DIGITAL FILES.” ]Audio Sessions are also available for download.
The Spine

The Spine
This single one-hour session takes us vertebrae by vertebrae through the spine and the nerves associated with it. This session is useful for anyone with back pain, discomfort and/or a sense of compartmentalization or lack of unity in themselves.
NOTE: I start off at the base of the spine numbering the regions backwards. I don’t figure out that I am being dyslexic until about midway through. What should be L5, I call L1 and so on. This does not diminish the effectiveness of the session though!
[ Gain access immediately after purchase by signing into your customer account and then selecting “MY DIGITAL FILES.” ]Audio Sessions are also available for download.
FREE VIDEO – Stress Reduction for Teens

FREE VIDEO - Stress Reduction for Teens
Once purchased you can access this video via the “Access Your Digital Content” button on the shop confirmation page, as well as via an email you will receive in your inbox. This video IS NOT downloadable but can be accessed at anytime via internet upon purchase.
Join Eileen McKusick, the founder of Biofield Tuning, for a free 20 minute live video broadcast, where she uses and visualization to move from a stressed state to a more relaxed, grounded, coherent state.
“In my experience treating today’s teenagers, I have found it very difficult to treat them as an isolated individual, because the problem does not lie in them – it is the consequence of the culture in which they live.
I can tune anxiety and depression out of one individual, but then they go out and are among their peers, and also are part of the larger non-local morphic field of today’s teenagers, which also informs them.
For this reason, I offer this free tuning, not just for teens but for anyone who needs a quick attitude adjustment to move from a place of anxiety and discomfort into a more settled and spacious state of mind.
In this short journey, we will be bringing our electromagnetic bodies into tune with the coherent field of nature, which is always available for us to tap into.”
Opening Up To Electric Connection

Opening Up To Electric Connection
Once purchased you can access this video via the “Access Your Digital Content” button on the shop confirmation page, as well as via an email you will receive in your inbox. This video IS NOT downloadable but can be accessed at anytime via internet upon purchase.
One of the greatest ailings of our culture is a feeling of separation that so many people experience. Our cosmological story is one of darkness, separateness, coldness and pointlessness, and this subconsciously influences us all into having a background feeling that reflects our contemporary cosmology.
In this one hour video class/Biofield Tuning session, Eileen will introduce you to the idea that your body is electric and that it is electrically connected to – and can draw energy from – the environment around us.
This session will help plug us into the universal current of energy that is flowing through us and around us all the time, as well as give us tools to help us return to this infinite abundance of energy and connection whenever we start to drift into habitual feelings of disempowerment and separation.
Electric Health

Electric Health Bundle
Once purchased, you can access these videos via the “Access Your Digital Content” button on the shop confirmation page, as well as via an email you will receive in your inbox. These videos ARE NOT downloadable, but can be accessed at anytime via internet upon purchase.
If you are new to Biofield Tuning, the work of Eileen McKusick and the concept of Electric Health, this 4 video bundle is a great introduction.
Eileen combines education, coaching and virtual Biofield Tuning in these hour long sessions where you will learn all about your biofield while simultaneously experiencing a distance Biofield Tuning session. (Audio version and PDF transcript of each session included.)
This bundle includes the following sessions:
- Honing Intention – Strengthen the sense of unity and especially the focus of your biofield.
- Releasing Resistance – Release deep habitual patterns that stop us from accessing our full electric potential, putting that energy back into circulation in our bodies to raise our overall voltage – as well as put in place practices that can help us to stay in a state of flow as we navigate our lives.
- Opening up to Electric Connection – Plug into the universal current of energy that is flowing through us and around us all the time, as well as give us tools to help us return to this infinite abundance of energy and connection whenever we start to drift into habitual feelings of disempowerment and separation.
- Toning & Tightening the Electric Body – Strengthen both your central channel and the outer boundary of your field by introducing sound, intention and awareness to the mechanics of these structures. At the same time, we’ll work to lighten and brighten your inner experience of your electrical body.