Biofield Tunings | Live Video Course

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As a pioneer of biofield science, therapeutic sound, and electric health, Eileen McKusick has been mapping our biofield anatomy for nearly 30 years through a process that gauges the overall health of the electromagnetic fields of the body

She teaches that we’re designed for harmony, beauty, and nobility — all of which can be fully experienced as we become more comfortable with and empowered by our humanness.

You’ll experience this firsthand as Eileen provides group Biofield Tuning sessions to help you clear the static in your field — inherited imprints, patterns, judgments, obscurities, or heavy emotions…

In this 4-week transformational intensive, Eileen will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to reclaim the gifts of being human through Biofield Tunings that help you open to your deeper ancestral inheritance.

For more information and to register, click HERE!

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